'Water Lover' oil on canvas 24 x 30

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Ocean Spray Foray

'Ocean Spray Foray'
oil on wood panel
18 x 14in.
This years Ocean Spray (Holodiscus discolor) display
has been one of the loveliest in recent memory,
it is a significant plant species for insect pollinators
and a preferred nesting site for Bushtits
here on the south Island...
Started this as a demo on July 15th at the
TD Art Gallery Paint-In 2017...

 Comments are always welcomed and appreciated.


Jennifer Rose said...

lovely work, nice and bright looking :)

Jeffrey J. Boron said...

Thanks very much Jennifer!


Bruce Sherman said...

Nice to see that you are still "beating the bush"... and "pushin paint" Jeffrey. We continue to share a common love of things common to our very distant daily lives.

Love that tribute to Queen Anne! T'is the time...

Good Painting!
Warmest regards,

Jeffrey J. Boron said...

Hey Bruce,

Yes I have been at the easel keeping in the game. The Queen Anne's Lace is at its height out here now. I know you and yours are having a bit of a go right now, but know that it will ease and the world will be aware of a bright new star shining down in the dark of night. For now try and go easy eh...
