'Water Lover' oil on canvas 24 x 30

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Pilkey Point-Thetis Island

I painted this from a photo that I took while visiting
Thetis Island a few years back. Often at this time in late
May we get those below minimum tides that I find so
intriguing. The area is full of wonderful
painting opportunities.
Oil on canvas 8 x 10.
Comments are always welcomed.
"In the right light,
at the right time,
everything is extraordinary."
(Aaron Rose)
This painting is available for $200 CDN,
plus the cost of shipping.
Email me for more details.


Ambera said...


eLIZabeth Floyd said...

Love the clouds and how the foreground rocks mimic them in the composition.

Sylvia Jenstad said...

I just had to stop and say...Wow!! I love your colours.... Beautiful!!

Jeffrey J. Boron said...

Thanks Ambera!


Jeffrey J. Boron said...

Thanks Liz, funny how others see things that we don't, I hadn't noticed that.


Jeffrey J. Boron said...

Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a kind comment Sylvia!


Ron Morrison said...

Hi Jeffrey, paintings look great, I will make an effort to be a better blog buddy, summers are my hectic construction time.

Jeffrey J. Boron said...

Thanks for checking in Ron, great to hear from ya!


Karen said...

Your brushstrokes, and their beautiful assuredness, inspire me. They're exactly what I needed to look at right now!

Jeffrey J. Boron said...

Thanks karen I appreciate your comment!
