'Water Lover' oil on canvas 24 x 30

Friday, July 11, 2008

July Morning - Ross Bay

Painted today on the beach at Ross Bay. A wonderful
crystal summer morning (UV rating extra high)!
I really tried for quick impressionistic form here and
resisted touching it back at the studio.
Hmmm, not sure if that was wise?
Oil on canvas 6 x 8.
"The landscape with its violent,
pure colours dazzled and blinded me.
I was always uncertain..."
(Paul Gauguin)
This painting can be purchased for
$135 CDN, plus the cost of shipping.
Please contact me by email
for more details.


Ron Wilson said...

Once again I watched you render this little gem with your usual confidence and flair. I can tell viewers that you really captured the essence of the view - it was all the more challenging on such a small 6 x 8 painting surface. Well done, Jeffrey.

Jeffrey J. Boron said...

Thanks so much for your kind encouragement Ron.


FCP said...

Once again, I am drawn to your clean colors and color harmony. Another great piece, Jeffrey!

Jeffrey J. Boron said...

Thanks Faye, I appreciate that very much.
