I painted this piece on what turned out to be a very coollate afternoon a couple of weeks ago. The deal was to get
it done quickly so we allowed ourselves 45 minutes or less.
My main goal was to try and capture the light and colour
patterns that surrounded us at that time and not worry
to much about fine details. I'm pleased with the
results overall, course my desire for more fine details
nags at me a little. Once again the character of these
Garry oaks lead me to title the piece this way.
The Garry oak meadow that I painted in has the first
of the early wildflowers and naturalized invaders in bloom
already which is a bit early this year.
The incredible flush of the native Camas Lily
will not be to far off.
Oil on board 6 x 6.
Comments always welcomed!
This painting is available for $100 with free
shipping anywhere in North America.
Email me to arrange your PayPal purchase.