'Water Lover' oil on canvas 24 x 30

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Summer Clouds-Plumper Bay

This is another in the series of paintings I've been doing
of the upper end of Esquimalt Harbour.
It is quite a beautiful place even though development has
taken place here for more than
a hundred years. I could see the clouds building
from my studio window so off I went, and I
wasn't disappointed, they were spectacular.
Oil on canvas 8 x 10.
Your comments are always welcomed!
"The art of art,
the glory of expression is simplicity."
(Walt Whitman)
This painting is available for $200 CDN,
plus the cost of shipping.
Email me for more details.


eLIZabeth Floyd said...

I really like how you captured the rolling clouds, I can almost feel the cool breeze!

Cheryl Ratcliff said...

I agree the clouds are wonderful!

Melinda said...

The sky is singing--wonderous well!
I so admire your rendering of the forest. The way you build it, simply, with gesture, yet formidable, is remarkable. We don't really have many trees, by comparison, in the desert. So, painting trees with branches or leaves would be so challenging. However, you make it look easy.

Jeffrey J. Boron said...

Thanks Liz, it was a really grand afternoon!


Jeffrey J. Boron said...

Thanks Cheryl, it's very much appreciated.


Jeffrey J. Boron said...

Wow, thanks for your generous critique! One day I would truly love to spend some painting time in desert country...course there would have to be clouds! =;-))
